
This page details the strict filtering happening on the SIX route servers.

When a prefix is advertised, the route server performs a series of tests to decide whether the prefix may be accepted. If a prefix fails to pass any test, it is dropped prior to further tests. One could imagine that a prefix has to "run the gauntlet" before it may be accepted and propagated to route server peers. For each route server instance, the table below lists these tests in the order they occur. The counts in the table reflect the number of unique drops for a test since the start of the UTC day. Clicking a count reveals further details.

The charts below show drops over time, enabling the perception of network events and adoption of industry standards like RPKI.

Drops for a specific ASN can be viewed by adjusting the URL for this page to include "?asn=#" with "#" changed to the ASN of interest.

Pseudocode showing how the SIX performs filtering is also below.

Feel free to email with any bug fixes to the pseudocode or other feedback about this page.

Route server drops since start of UTC day:

Prefix Drop Reason (in order of tests) rs2.1500.v4 rs3.1500.v4 rs2.1500.v6 rs3.1500.v6 rs2.9000.v4 rs3.9000.v4 rs2.9000.v6 rs3.9000.v6
Not peer AS                
Bad next hop                
Default route                
Local subnet                
Path too long                
Bogon prefix                
Cymru fullbogons prefix                
Too large                
Bogon ASN                
PeeringDB ASN never via RS                
Transit ASN                
RPKI ROA_INVALID adjacent                
RPKI ROA_INVALID transit                
No IRR route object adjacent                
ASN not in as-set                
Prefix not in as-set                
Prefix in as-set but origin ASN IRR mismatch route objects                
Prefix in as-set but no IRR route object for origin ASN                

BIRD filter pseudo-code:

#if IPv4
define BOGON_PREFIXES = [,         # RFC 1122 'this' network
                ,        # RFC 1918 private space
                ,     # RFC 6598 Carrier grade nat space
                ,       # RFC 1122 localhost
                ,    # RFC 3927 link local
                ,     # RFC 1918 private space 
                ,      # RFC 5737 TEST-NET-1
                ,    # RFC 7526 6to4 anycast relay
                ,    # RFC 1918 private space
                ,     # RFC 2544 benchmarking
                ,   # RFC 5737 TEST-NET-2
                ,    # RFC 5737 TEST-NET-3
                ,       # multicast
                 ];     # reserved
define BOGON_PREFIXES = [ ::/8+,                         # RFC 4291 IPv4-compatible, loopback, et al 
                          0100::/64+,                    # RFC 6666 Discard-Only
                          2001:2::/48+,                  # RFC 5180 BMWG
                          2001:10::/28+,                 # RFC 4843 ORCHID
                          2001:db8::/32+,                # RFC 3849 documentation
                          2002::/16+,                    # RFC 7526 6to4 anycast relay
                          3ffe::/16+,                    # RFC 3701 old 6bone
                          fc00::/7+,                     # RFC 4193 unique local unicast
                          fe80::/10+,                    # RFC 4291 link local unicast
                          fec0::/10+,                    # RFC 3879 old site local unicast
                          ff00::/8+ ];                   # RFC 4291 multicast

define BOGON_ASNS = [ 0,                      # RFC 7607
                      23456,                  # RFC 4893 AS_TRANS
                      64496..64511,           # RFC 5398 and documentation/example ASNs
                      64512..65534,           # RFC 6996 Private ASNs
                      65535,                  # RFC 7300 Last 16 bit ASN
                      65536..65551,           # RFC 5398 and documentation/example ASNs
                      65552..131071,          # IANA reserved ASNs
                      4200000000..4294967294, # RFC 6996 Private ASNs
                      4294967295 ];           # RFC 7300 Last 32 bit ASN

define TRANSIT_ASNS = [ 174,                  # Cogent
                        209,                  # Qwest (HE carries this on IXPs IPv6 (Jul 12 2018))
                        701,                  # UUNET
                        702,                  # UUNET
                        1239,                 # Sprint
                        1299,                 # Telia
                        2914,                 # NTT Communications
                        3257,                 # GTT Backbone
                        3320,                 # Deutsche Telekom AG (DTAG)
                        3356,                 # Level3
                        3491,                 # PCCW
                        3549,                 # Level3
                        3561,                 # Savvis / CenturyLink
                        4134,                 # Chinanet
                        5511,                 # Orange opentransit
                        6453,                 # Tata Communications
                        6461,                 # Zayo Bandwidth
                        6762,                 # Seabone / Telecom Italia
                        6830,                 # Liberty Global
                        7018 ];               # AT&T

function net_local()
#if IPv4
  return net ~ [, ]; # matches all subprefixes of SIX address spaces and
  return net ~ [ 2001:504:16::/48+ ]; # matches all sub-prefixes of SIX address space 2001:504:16::/48

function next_hop_local()
#if IPv4
  return bgp_next_hop ~;   # matches SIX address space
# or
  return bgp_next_hop ~;  # matches SIX address space
  return bgp_next_hop ~ 2001:504:16::/48; # matches SIX address space 2001:504:16::/48

function rt_import(int peeras; prefix set peer_nets; int set peer_asns; prefix set as_set_nets)
int path_max;
int rpki_roa_valid;
  if bgp_path.first != peeras then
    print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": bgp_path.first(", bgp_path.first, ") != peeras(", peeras, ")! Dropping.";
    return false;

  if ! next_hop_local() then
    print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": bgp_next_hop(", bgp_next_hop, ") not local! Dropping.";
    return false;

#if IPv4
  # Avoid
  if net.ip = then
    print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": net.ip =! Dropping.";
    return false;
  # Avoid ::/X
  if net.ip = :: then
    print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": net.ip = ::! Dropping.";
    return false;

  if net_local() then
    print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": net_local() returned true! Dropping.";
    return false;

  path_max = 128;
  if bgp_path.len > path_max then
    print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": bgp_path.len(", bgp_path.len, ") > ", path_max, "! Dropping.";
    return false; # limit AS_PATH length (to prevent problems with misconfigured routers
                  # propagating too long path and buggy routers crashing on that)

  if net ~ BOGON_PREFIXES then
    print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": matches bogon_prefixes! Dropping.";
    return false;

    print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": matches cymru_fullbogons_prefixes! Dropping.";
    return false;

#if IPv4
  if net.len < 8 then
    print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": net.len < 8! Dropping.";
    return false;
  if net.len < 19 then
    print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": net.len < 19! Dropping.";
    return false;

  if bgp_path ~ BOGON_ASNS then
    print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": matches bogon_ASNs! Dropping.";
    return false;

    print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": matches pdb_never_via_route_servers_ASNs! Dropping.";
    return false;

  if bgp_path ~ TRANSIT_ASNS then
    print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": matches transit_ASNs! Dropping.";
    return false;

  rpki_roa_valid = 0;
  case roa_check(ROAS, net, bgp_path.last_nonaggregated)
      if bgp_path.last_nonaggregated = peeras then
        print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": RPKI ROA_INVALID! Dropping.";
      } else {
        print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": RPKI ROA_INVALID! Transit_dropping.";
      return false;

      rpki_roa_valid = 1;

  if bgp_path.last_nonaggregated = peeras then
    # IRR route object verification is not needed when RPKI ROA is valid.
    if 0 = rpki_roa_valid then
      # Route is from peer ASN, so just check peer prefix list.
      if ! (net ~ peer_nets) then
        print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": no IRR route object found! Dropping.";
        return false;
  } else {
    # Route is not from peer ASN, so check peer ASN list.
    if ! (bgp_path.last_nonaggregated ~ peer_asns) then
      print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": AS", bgp_path.last_nonaggregated, " not member of IRR as-set object! Dropping.";
      return false;

    # IRR route object verification is not needed when RPKI ROA is valid.
    if 0 = rpki_roa_valid then
      # Route is not from peer ASN, so check peer as-set prefix list.
      if ! (net ~ as_set_nets) then
        print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": no IRR route object with matching origin found! Transit_dropping.";
        return false;

      # The IRR-based ROAs table we use here must include all prefixes, both from
      # adjacent ASN and downstream ASNs.
      #   ROA_VALID: if there is a matching ROA
      #   ROA_INVALID: if there are some relevant ROAs but none of them match
      #   ROA_UNKNOWN: if there is no relevant ROA
      # We test for ROA_INVALID and ROA_UNKNOWN here, and return false if either happens,
      # because to get here means the following:
      #   - this prefix is from a non-adjacent ASN
      #   - the last ASN is in the as-set
      #   - the prefix is in the as-set
      # so what we are testing here is to make sure the prefix has the correct AS origin.
      # A return of ROA_INVALID or ROA_UNKNOWN means it does not.
      # ROA_UNKNOWN can happen if the IRR as-set prefix list includes a covering prefix,
      # but none of the perceived ASNs has an IRR entry for the prefix.
      case roa_check(IRR, net, bgp_path.last_nonaggregated)
          print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": no IRR route object with matching origin found (ROA_INVALID)! Transit_dropping.";
          return false;

          print proto, ": ", net, " from ", from, " ", bgp_path, ": no IRR route object with matching origin found (ROA_UNKNOWN)! Transit_dropping.";
          return false;

  return true;