Seattle Internet Exchange, Inc.
Annual Meeting
April 22nd, 2008
Westin Building Conference Room on Floor 20
Minutes by Chris Caputo
Approved by Membership, April 13th, 2009
In the room (based on registration sheets):
Michael Smith, Adhost
Chris Caputo, Altopia / SIX
Cory Hutton, Apvio
Chris Balocco, Bandwidth Advisors
Aaron Loehr, Bandwidth Advisors
Erica Hughes Ehnert, Big Fish Games
Justin Huff, Bitnik
Jared Reimer, Cascadeo / SIX
Philips Lai, Cisco
David Whitlock, Clearwire
Malcolm Mead, Colocenters
Pat Myrto, Colocenters
John Spence, Command Information
Chuck Goolsbee, Digital Forest
Kyle Murray, Digital Forest
Ed Seiler, Fibercloud
Michael Rose Jr.,
Phil Cordier, Gridzones
Ed McPherson, King County/I-NET
Geraldine Chan, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Ang Peng Seong, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Khoong Hock Yun, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
David Black, NoaNET
Nick Guy, NoaNET
Bill Woodcock, Packet Clearing House
Richard Lotz, PNW Gigapop
Scott Ehnert, Speakeasy
John van Oppen, Spectrum Networks
Mark Hagler, Spry
Andry Bunjamin, Swift Communications
Henry Goss, Swift Communications
Jeremy Guarini, Threshold / 2alpha
Tim Osburn, Threshold / 2alpha
Garrick Sturgill, Westin Building
Jimmy Pandra, Wowrack
Jeremy Pollard, Wowrack
Nikos Mouat, Ygnition Networks / SIX
Troy Davis, Yort Labs / SIX
On the phone:
Patrick Gilmore, Akamai
Wayne Tucker, Donobi
James Hindman, MegaPath
3:03pm: Call To Order and Welcome by Nikos Mouat.
3:05pm: Approval of minutes from last year's meeting. Moved, 2nded and passed.
3:06pm: Announcement of recent Bylaws and Switch Interconnection Policy changes.
3:07pm: Operational update by Troy Davis, Chris Caputo and Michael Smith. Group discussion.
3:39pm: We went around the room and everyone introduced themselves.
3:42pm: Financial update by Chris Caputo.
3:50pm: Bill Woodcock shared details about the SIX being an example IX for a number of IXes around the planet.
4:04pm: Items bought up by the members. Group discussion.
4:17pm: Board elections. Michael Smith nominated Patrick Gilmore, Troy Davis, Nikos Mouat, Jared Reimer and Chris Caputo. 2nded. Elected.
4:20pm: Motion to adjourn. 2nded and passed.