Seattle Internet Exchange, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
March 11th, 2008
Conducted Online
Minutes by Chris Caputo
Approved by Board, April 23rd, 2008
Call to order. In attendance via email:
Chris Caputo - Director - Voting
Troy Davis - Director - Voting
Nikos Mouat - Director - Voting
Jared Reimer - Director - Voting
Patrick Gilmore - Observing
Nick Guy - Observing
Mike Smith - Observing
Bill Woodcock - Observing
Chris Caputo made the following motion:
"I move that the minutes of the previous meeting (February 18th, 2008) be approved."
The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.
Chris Caputo made the following motion:
"I move that the following be removed from the membership list since they have departed.:
Integrated Communications Consultants
Jazzie Systems
Nack.Net, Inc."
The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.
Chris Caputo made the following motion:
"I move that the following are now voting members of the SIX.:
OpenAccess Network Services
Sharedband Technologies, LLC"
The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.
Chris Caputo made the following motion:
"I move that the Switch Interconnection Policy be amended as follows:
Members may only utilize a single layer-2 MAC address to place a single layer-3 router per port allocated from the SIX switch fabric unless by prior agreement of the board. The procedure for interconnecting a layer-2 device to the SIX shall be as follows: a technical proposal shall be made to the board, accompanied by full documentation. This documentation shall be published on the announcement mailing list and the SIX web site for comment by the members and the public for a period of no less than two weeks, --- whereupon the board shall determine whether the member is allowed to +++ whereupon the board shall determine whether the operator is allowed to perform the proposed interconnection. No more than one such proposal shall be entertained at a time, and any subsequent modifications to the interconnected equipment shall be similarly approved by the board. --- The member shall be responsible for maintaining any required +++ The operator shall be responsible for maintaining any required documentation of all layer-2 devices comprising the switch fabric, and such documentation shall always be available to SIX operations volunteers."
The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.
Chris Caputo made the following motion:
"I move that the word 'corporation' be capitalized throughout the Bylaws and that the Bylaws be amended as follows:
BYLAWS OF SEATTLE INTERNET EXCHANGE, INC. +++ (hereinafter referred to as the 'Corporation')"
The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.
Chris Caputo made the following motion:
"I move that the Bylaws be amended as follows:
3.3 Qualifications. --- Directors shall be members of the corporation. --- Directors may also be any person who is not a member of the --- corporation, who is elected by a majority vote of all members entitled --- to vote. +++ Directors may be any person who is elected by a majority vote of all +++ members entitled to vote. Directors may have such other qualifications as the Board may prescribe by amendment to these Bylaws."
The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.
Chris Caputo made the following motion:
"I move that the Bylaws be amended as follows:
5.2 Accounting Year. The accounting year of the corporation shall be the twelve months --- ending March 31. +++ ending December 31."
The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.